Monday, July 23, 2007

Chesapeake and global warming who knew????

Warming Poses Threats To Chesapeake, Group Says -
Warming Poses Threats To Chesapeake, Group Says

By David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 20, 2007; Page B01

Climate change has already begun to alter the Chesapeake Bay, warming and raising its waters in a way that could unbalance delicate ecosystems and doom low-lying islands, according to a report released yesterday by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

The report, citing scientific research from around the bay, sketched a prognosis that was troubling even by the standards of the Chesapeake -- a beautiful but polluted estuary that environmentalists have spent decades trying to save.

Oh wait did not the last Governor of Maryland claim to have made progress on the Chesapeake under this Republican Administration. I guess we can discount that along with just about any thing the GOP claims.

Didn't Al Gore have something to say about this Inconvenient truth?

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